Monday, February 28, 2011

Custom Motorcycle Mufflers and their Functions

You might be a car or bike lover. Your vehicle is what type of personality you’re. Someone can guess about your taste on the basis of vehicle you possess. However, it is not a universal truth that your vehicle does always represent your taste. There might involve financial issues. So, this is not a final statement regarding your taste. Anyway, one thing is final that people do modify their vehicles and this modification is as per one’s taste. Whenever it comes about the modification of a bike, exhaust system intrude into our discussion. What is an exhaust system is not the topic of our article, however, just for the sake of information sharing; it’s a system consisting of different parts of engine through which gases in burnt form are discharged and as a result our bike moves. Muffler is an important part of this system. They are of two types i.e., Custom Motorcycle Mufflers and Stock motorcycle mufflers. The current article deals with the functions of custom mufflers. 

A muffler is a tubular device and is a part of exhaust system performing different functions. Since it’s an acoustic device, so the core function it performs is related to noise. Primarily, mufflers are used in bikes to reduce engine noise. However, they don’t function merely as noise reducing agent. Depending on the nature of a muffler, it performs differently. It may decrease the amplitude of the sound waves and can also work reversely. That’s why we see different motorbikes with different sounds. Another important function of a muffler is to help us keep our environment clean. Everybody knows that our motorbike engine discharges gases like carbon mono oxide out of bike and resultantly our bike moves. These gases contain different toxins in them and Custom Motorcycle Mufflers capture these toxins before these gases discharge out.

Custom Motorcycle Mufflers also function as routes to exhaust gases coming from engine. Made up of several types of materials like titanium, aluminum and steel; mufflers add value to your vehicle. It may add value to the look, performance and features of your vehicle.


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